Welcome to the first entry of the UConn Pharmacy in Beijing Blog!!!! On May 17, 2008 13 lucky students from the University of Connecticut left the United States to participate in their study abroad program studying Traditional Chinese Medicine at Peking University in Beijing, China! The students are Wenjie Chen, Grzegorz (Greg) Rdzak, Andrew Straznitskas, Katie Boynton, Manas Prasad, Justin Maher, Susan Dang, Ana Charalambides, Lena O'Keefe, Anh Nguyen, Alexandra Mooney, Laura Tuttle, and Wenisa Tran accompanied by our professor Dr. Diane Burgess. Now that the introductions are over let's catch up on the last few days.
The journey started out at Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT where we caught a 10:14 am flight to Washington Dulles Airport in DC. From there we were scheduled to take a 12:30 pm flight straight to Beijing but this flight was delayed 5 hours for mechanical issues. Its a good thing they noticed these issues before we took off! So we spent a good 6 hours in the Washington airport. Despite the long layover it was nice to have some time to bond as a group and get to know each other better.
Our flight to Beijing took off from Washington around 5:30 pm on May 17. This was the longest flight ever! It was about 12.5 hours in the most cramped and uncomfortable seats that made it nearly impossible to sleep but we all made it safe and sound to the other side of the world!
We got off the plane in Beijing around 6:00 pm on May 18 (so, not taking into account the time change, we were flying for more than a whole day!). So now we had to make our way through customs and baggage claim in the Beijing airport. This proved to be no problem as we all speedily got through and no one lost their luggage!
When we exited to the unsecured area of the airport we were greeted by two students of Peking University. They led us out of the airport and to the van that would take us to our new home for the next five weeks. It was about a 30 minute drive from the airport to Peking University. We were taken to the international student dorms and checked into our rooms. Our accommodations were nicer than expected. We all have our own sizable rooms with our own bathrooms. The beds are firm (as most Chinese beds are) but not uncomfortable. The bathroom is...interesting. There is a toilet and sink with running water. The shower is the interesting part. It is just a shower head sticking out of the wall of the bathroom and just sprays all over and the entire room gets wet. It is different.
The group on our way from the airport to Peking University
After we saw our rooms and dropped off our luggage we went back to the lobby of our building and met Dr. Burgess who gave us a welcome gift (bath and hand towels, some toilet paper, and bottled water). We discussed the schedule for the next day and how our trip was. After our brief meeting we were all exhausted from our journey, so made our way to our rooms and went to bed.
May 19
This was a busy day. We met in the lobby of our dorm at 8:40 am and walked to the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences building where we had an opening ceremony and orientation to the program. Next our professor of Mandarin came to assess our knowledge of the language...or lack thereof. She had us attempt to read some Mandarin words and aside from Wenjie (who reads, writes and speaks fluently) we all were deemed beginners.
We then went to eat at Peking University's Student Restaurant, what we would call at UConn a dining hall with the only difference between the two is that the Student Restaurant has good food. Since we don't know the language it was interesting trying to ask for what you wanted. We realized you just have to point to what you want. The food was very good and the best part about it was the price. Like most things in China it was very cheap! We all ate lunch for no more than 2 American dollars!
After lunch we had our first Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) class. It was very interesting. We learned about the history of TCM and the philosophical theories behind it such as the Yin-Yang Theory, the Five Phases Theory and the Qi Theory. We can't wait to learn more about TCM.
After class some of us who brought our computers went to set up our internet accounts. We were all excited to get access to the internet after being cut off for two whole days! We were starting to go experience withdrawal symptoms.
Dr. Burgess treated us to a dinner at a traditional Chinese restaurant. Since we have such a large group they sat us in our own dining room! We were accompanied by a Peking University student who ordered us traditional Chinese food for us to all try. I'm not sure what we were eating for some of it but it was all good. One thing is for sure, it is nothing like America's version of Chinese food.
Dr. Burgess was nice enough to buy us Chinese cell phones so we can all stay in contact while were here (seems like shes spoiling us a little bit, but none of us are complaining!) so after dinner we went to purchase the minutes for the phones. After another long day in Beijing we were all exhausted again and went to bed early.
All of us in front of Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences BuildingMay 20
Today has also been eventful so far. We had our first actual Mandarin class. It was...interesting. We began with learning the pronunciation of letters and letter combinations and then moved to a little bit of vocabulary and some sentences. Hanyu you yi si ke shi hen nan. That means Chinese is interesting buy very difficult. A very true statement. I feel bad for our professor because we butchered the Mandarin language. It is going to be a rough class.
We also had our second TCM class. This class focused on acupuncture. It was extremely interesting. We perfected our techniques and practiced on each other. Just kidding! We didn't get to acupuncture each other, we just learned about it. We found the four most important acupoints and learned what they were used for as well as the various techniques for acupuncture. TCM is proving to be a very interesting field.
So that has been a brief summary of the trip so far. I'm sure there will be much more to come. We're about to go to downtown Beijing for the first time in about 10 minutes so I gotta run!
Zai jian!